So, I've managed to get a little more completed. Seriously, I'm really liking this whole XNA thing. It makes everything so easy. The coding appears to be much like Java, so for me, that's a bonus. Though I don't think it would be difficult for anyone to learn. As for what I've got done, I added some different color bricks with the color changing every time the brick is hit. This is how we can indicate how many hits are left to break the brick. I've also stopped the ball from bouncing off of the bottom. Now, it just goes back to a starting point. The game also ends now when you run out of lives, though I don't have it set up to restart yet. Of course, I doubt anyone would get that far in the game because it gets boring fast.
Things left to do:
- build cooler levels (and a way to build cooler levels)
- change angle and velocity of the ball
- allow game restart
- stop the game from getting choppy about 30 seconds in
- sound effects
Of course there is more to do as well, but that's a start. I'm starting to think a game is never truly complete. No matter how simple it is, there's always something left to do. It seems as though when I finish one task, I think of another one that needs to be done. Anyway, go
here for the source as usual.
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