Sunday, May 31, 2009

Development Tools

Depending how advanced you are with programming, you may not yet have determined the best tools to get the job done. I'm still kind of in that boat myself, but I am starting to get a feel for different tools and what their capabilities and limitations are. So, I figured it's probably a good idea to let everyone else in on what I am using (or plan to use) to program some of these games. By the way, they're all free.
  • Eclipse - I use Eclipse for all of my Java programming. There are also a bunch of plugins available if you wish to use it for other programming languages as well such as PHP, HTML, and I think there is even one for C++. I actually use the Aptana plugin quite often for web development and it seems to work quite well.
  • Dev-C++ - Alright, so I haven't used this yet really since I haven't ever really programmed in C++. I think Microsoft Visual Studio may be a better option for C++ (as well as C# and Basic) but Dev-C++ seems a little more basic and a better way to learn the language. Maybe I'll migrate to Visual Studio (or the free Express version) later when I am more experienced.
Alright, so those are basically the only tools I use so far. Maybe there'll be more to come eventually, and there are certainly more specifics I could go into about my use of these programs. However, if you have any questions or suggestions, just drop me a line or leave a comment.

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